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Sunday 1 January ~ Saturday 7 January 2023

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George Bass Marathon - Suggested Training Program
TrainingThe demands of the George Bass Marathon are considerable and crews should be aware of this if entering for the first time. Total physical fitness, event specific training and preparation are an essential part of getting ready for the event. The training program below is a suggested program to prepare for the event.

July/August – 3 x Weights Sessions per week.
2 x 1hr+ base fitness sessions (can be in boat, ergo, running, cycling)

September - 3 x Weights Sessions per week
1 x cross training fitness session per week (ergo, running, cycling)
2 x boat sessions per week of low rating steady state in 2 x 30 min pieces with 5 min rest between sets.

October - 3 x Weights Sessions per week
3 x boat sessions per week of 1 hr duration. 2 x 30 min pieces, 3 x 20 min pieces building the rating as crew fitness/technique allows. Ensure rowers are rotated between stoke and bow pair so all rowers are comfortable in all combinations/positions as they will be required to do so during the race.

November/December – 3 x Weights Sessions per week
3 x boat sessions per week as per October
1 x weekend boat session of min 2 hrs duration with crew changes being made throughout session as though under race conditions.

Ultimately you should be aiming for your crew changes to be made every 10-15 minutes so for the male rowers on days of 6 rowers being used, they will be in their seat for 20-30 mins max with 10-15 minutes rest in the powerboat between efforts in the boat. Female crews will need to work out if it is more beneficial for them to change 2 at a time or all 4 and re-work their change over times accordingly. Depending on crew style/ability, you should be aiming to rate the race at between 25-30 strokes per minute.


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